Monday, October 12, 2009

Flaming Lips Embryonic Review

DO NOT BUY THE NEW FLAMING LIPS ALBUM 'EMBRYONIC' YOU WILL DIE ON THE ROAD. If you do buy it, you'll be treated to one or two good songs before listening to the rest of the album on a roadtrip and then be lulled to sleep at the wheel. You will become one of those white roadside crosses.

If you're like me in any way you loudly proclaim that you're extreme and then huddle in a ball of neurosis. You make excuses to not hang out with your friends while at the same time wondering why you haven't developed into that beautiful social butterfly with the charming quips you dream about occasionally when you're not masturbating angrily to Filipino torture-porn. That and whenever The Flaming Lips release an album you get really excited for a few hours and listen to every little bit that you can get your hands on. After that few hours is up you start to wonder why you were getting so excited and begin questioning why you liked them so much in the first place. Then you pop in Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, eat something cold from the 'fridge and think about brewing your own soda.